Most of us live in a world where high-stress is the norm, go-go-go is the speed and wi-fi is the new lifeline.
Dare we say: STOP THE INSANITY!?
Ok, we’re guilty of this too but we’ve found a little slice of calmness that everyone can indulge in almost guilt-free, because hey, we need to wash right?
Secret: this is NOT a washing bath (we’re not 5), it’s a YOU-TIME bath.
What's Goddess Bath?
A Goddess Bath is not just about the bath, it’s about the whole experience…
What to bring...

Choose depending on your needs but good-to is a combination of rose quartz for unconditional love, howlite for calming, Amazonite for self- love. And yes, throw em in!
Throw everything in, except for the Palo Santo that you will burn beforehand and the tea you will sip while soaking and let the room steam up with beautiful aroma therapies… You should also open a window for little burst of freshness (and to let out negative energies while burn the Palo) and remember this is YOUR Goddess Bath so feel free to get creative!